Unconventional Resources Development (URD) Consulting and Training Services


Please click on the above tabs to read how the seasoned consultants of the A&A Consulting Team, and collaborators, could help on your company's challenging Unconventional Resources Development (URD) projects, around the world, by providing state-of-the-art consulting, and/or customized training services.


To put the high-level and seasoned consultants of the A&A Consulting Team to work on your company's challenging Unconventional Resources [shale oil & gas, tight oil & gas, coal bed methane (CBM)/coal mine methane (CMM), high-pressure/high-temperature (HPHT) gas, heavy oil, oil shale, and gas-hydrate] Development (URD) projects, around the world, please contact us.




Contact: +1-281-359-2674 or send us an e-mail